Тест Степени сравнения прилагательных (формат ОГЭ)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
For-Teacher.ru - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

1. The streets in the city are_______ than in the country. WIDE

2. The air in the city is __________than in the country. CLEAN

3. The buildings in the city are____ than in the country. HIGH

4. Nature in the city is________ than in the country. BAD

5. Life in the country is________ than in the city. QUIET

6. The streets in the city are the________. NOISE

7. The air in the city is the ___________. DIRT

8. Life in the city is the_____________. EXPENSE

9 .Life in the city is the__________. DANGER

10. Nature in the country is the_________. HEALTH

11. People in the country are ____than people in the city. FRIEND

12. People in the city lead the _______life. INTEREST

13. People in the country lead the ____life. QUIET

14. People in the city have ___conveniences than people

in the country. COMFORT

15. People in the country breathe the ____ air. FRESH

16. People in the city lead the _____ way of life. EXPENSE

17. People in the country eat the ____food . HEALTH

18. People in the city are the_____ . BUSY

19. People in the country are _____ than people in the city. KIND

20. People in the city have _____ things to see than people MANY

In the country.

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