План проведения недели английского языка в школе

Неделя английского языка в школе – это целый набор классных и внеклассных занятий, часто проводимых в игровой или творческой форме и посвященных определенной теме. Эти мероприятия направлены на повышение интереса к иностранным языкам, мотивацию учащихся и вовлечение всех ступеней обучения – от младших классов до выпускников. Неделя английского языка тщательно планируется таким образом, чтобы помимо уроков иностранного языка каждый день проводились несколько мероприятий, формирующих познавательны...
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Директор школы:_______А.Г.Соловьева


С 8 апреля по 13 апреля 2013 уч.года в МБОУ «Исаковская ООШ»

ДЕНЬ ПЕРВЫЙ (8 апреля)

  1. Открытие недели

  2. Презентация «Традиции и обычаи Великобритании»

ДЕНЬ ВТОРОЙ ( 9 апреля)

  1. Конкурс стихов ( 2-4 классы)

  2. Конкурс поздравлений

ДЕНЬ ТРЕТИЙ (10 апреля)

1.Викторина "Do you know Great Britain?" ( 7 -8 классах)

2. Charades and Riddles

ДЕНЬ ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ (11 апреля)

1.Викторина для 9 класса "Do you know the USA?"

2.Конкурс песен для учащихся 5-2 классов

3. Праздник «English and we»

ДЕНЬ ПЯТЫЙ ( 12 апреля)

  1. Tongue twister (конкурс скороговорок)

  2. Конкурс стихов и песен для учащихся 7-9 классов

ДЕНЬ ШЕСТОЙ ( 13 апреля)

  1. Подведение итогов недели и работ классов.

2. Награждение победителей

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

1. Викторина "Do you know Great Britain?" ( 7 -8 классах)

  1. How many parts are there in Great Britain?

  2. What river is the capital situated on?

  3. Who is the head of the country?

  4. What is the home of the Queen?

  5. What is the double-decker?

  6. What is Big Ben?

  7. What is the symbol of England?

  8. Where did the detective Sherlock Holmes live?

  9. What is the most famous lake in Scotland?

  10. Why is the city Bath called so?

  11. Who is the most famous woman-writer of detective stories?

  12. What books of English writers do you know?

  13. What is the oldest part of London?

  14. What is the symbol of Scotland?

  15. What is the symbol of Wales?

  16. What is the Scottish national costume?

  17. What is the national instrument of Scots?

  18. When do British people celebrate Christmas?

  19. Who wrote about Winnie the Pooh?

  20. Who is the writer of "Mary Poppins"?

  21. Who is the author of books about Harry Potter?

  22. Can you guess:

  • He was English. He was born in 1564. He was a writer and actor.

  • He was born in London. Then he lived in the USA. He was a film actor

  • He conquered Great Britain. He was a king. He built the Tower of London

2. Put these holidays in the correct order:

a) New Year's Day,
b) April Fool's Day,
c) St. Valentine's Day,
d) Christmas

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

3.Викторина для 9 класса "Do you know the USA?"

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

  1. What is the name of the Dutch settlement which became New York City?

  2. Which country presented the USA with the statue of Liberty? What was the occasion?

  3. In which famous place do people in New York City celebrate New Year's Day?

  4. Which American rock-and-roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee?

  5. What monument in Washington D.C. dedicated to an American President is nicknamed "The Pencil"?

  6. What is the name of the famous collection of museums in Washington?

  7. Explain the symbolism of the stars and stripes on the US flag.

  8. On what river is the capital of the USA situated?

  9. Where does the President of the USA live and work?

  10. Which is the biggest state in the USA?

  11. Who was the 1st President of the USA?

  12. What do the Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?

  13. In which city is Hollywood?

  14. What street in New York is called "The Great White Way"?

  15. What is the highest building in Washington?

  16. Who was the 1st President lived in the White House?

  17. What is the largest city in the USA?

  18. In which state do the highest trees in the world grow? What are they called?

  19. Which is the smallest state in the USA?

  20. Who is the President killed by Oswald?

  21. The first colonists started the tradition of a) Halloween, b) Independence Day, c) Thanksgiving Day, d) Memorial Day.

  22. Who was the 42d President: a) Clinton, b) Kennedy, c)Johnson, d) Washington

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

4. Tongue twister

Кто лучше и быстрее повторит скороговорку

1. If you, Sandy, have two candies

Give one candy to Andy, Sandy

2. A cup of coffee from a copper coffee pot

3. A little pot is soon hot

4. Bobby brings bright bells

5. Seven Santas sing silly songs

6. Santa's sack sags slightly

7. Chilly children cheerfully chant

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

5. Charades : План проведения недели английского языка в школе

1. My first is the indefinite article,

My second is the synonym of "wide",

My whole means "in a foreign country". (_________________)

2. My first is a preposition,

My second is a synonym of "receive",

My whole is the antonym of "remember". (______________)

3. My first is what we do after we get up,

My second is the suffix of Participle I,

My third is the letter which comes after "s",

My fourth is a preposition,

My whole is a capital of a state.(______________)

4. My first is the two letters which begin the English Alphabet,

My second is the Past Tense of the verb "to send",

My whole is the antonym of "present". (________________)

5. My first is two letters giving sound [ a:],

My second is the first person singular possessive pronoun,

My whole is that which make a country strong. (_________)

6. My first is what we say when we agree,

My second is the first syllable of the word "terribly",

My third is the antonym of "night",

My whole is the day before today. (___________)

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

5. Riddles:

1. It runs but has no legs. (­­­­_______)

2. It's black when it's clean. (________)

3. It has teeth but it can't bite. (__________)

4. Children don't like to drink especially when it's warm. (______)

5. It is white. It is cold

6. We can skate on it. What is it (____)

7. What man cannot live inside the house? (________)

8. A little old woman with twelve children

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot

What is she? (_______)

9. What goes up when the rain comes down? (_________)

10. He is not a tailor but carries needles with him. (__________)

План проведения недели английского языка в школе

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