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Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Test 1

  1. Change the sentences from direct speech into reported.

Mark said "I don't like fancy clothes".

My mum said: "You need new sweaters and T-shirts".

His friend said: "Your jeans are out of fashion".

He told Lena: "I can't help you".

Jack said to his sister: "My jeans and trainers are suitable for camping".

2.Match the words with the definitions:

1. Comfortable clothes

2. When shops reduce their prices

4. You can wear such clothes when it's rain.

5. Something you buy really cheaply but it has a good quality

6. Expensive and elegant clothes

  1. Fancy clothes

  2. In the sales

  3. Casual clothes

  4. Bargain

  5. Waterproof clothes

3. Read the article and circle the right answers.

The family has always been very important in all times and societies. However, contemporary families differ a lot from large traditional families. A traditional, or extended, family had a similar structure in different countries. It consisted of several generations and was headed by the eldest man in the family. For example, an ideal traditional Chinese family consisted of the head of the family and his wife, their three or four sons and their wives (the daughters didn't live in the family as they moved to their husbands' families after the wedding) and a dozen of grandchildren. People lived shorter then, and that's why usually there were no more than three generations in a family. Children were absolutely dependent on their parents and grandparents, and the status, role and behavior of each member of the family were strictly regulated. Nobody could break the rules. The interests of the family were above the interests of an individual member. If anyone ignored or betrayed the family interests, they were punished very severely. Most traditional families in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland looked the same. Nowadays families are much smaller. They often consist of two generations only: parents and their dependent children. The family of this kind is called a nuclear family. There are no male or female responsibilities within the family. This means most women go to work and earn some money, and men often help with cooking, washing and some other work round the house. Children behave differently too. They are allowed to express their point of view and take part in decision-making on different family's issues. Sometimes they can even ignore the senior generation's recommendations or advice, which was absolutely impossible in traditional families.

Children are more independent nowadays, and when they grow up, they often prefer to live apart from their parents. Having separate homes, however, doesn't matter much as long as adult children care for their parents and remember to help them.

The test

1. The author thinks that nowadays the family is much more important than it is used to be in old times.

a) True b) False

2 The author says that a traditional Chinese family consisted of five generations living together.

a) True b) False

3 According to the article, parents in traditional families didn't allow children to express their disagreement or argue in any way.

a) True b) False

4 The article says that nowadays children can ignore the senior generation's advice.

a) True b) False

5 The author thinks that it's very bad when generations don't live in one place.

a) True b) False

4. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verbs.

  1. Lectures of this professor (hear) always with great attention.

  2. The window (break) last week.

  3. The article (translate) now.

  4. He (trust) his friends and (rely) on them in different situations.

  5. The book (write) in the 19th century.

5.Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct form of the words

Children are curious. Sometimes they are too curious. This can lead to injuries. Many childhood injuries can be avoided if adults are (1 CARE) and know how to keep kids safe. Here are some important things to know about (2 SAFE). Always make sure children are safe in a car by having them ride in a car seat. (3 OLD) children should always wear a seatbelt when they are a passenger. Be a good example to your child by wearing your seatbelt. Install smoke (4 DETECT) in your home. They make a loud noise if smoke is present in the air. Make sure your children know what the sound means. Talk to (5 THEY) about what to do in case of a fire.

  1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1 Don't worry! Just … your best.

  1. make b) do

2.I've … some coffee for you.

A)made b) done

3. Last Sunday they … fun of him because he was wearing a strange hat.

a)made b) did

4 Have you … friends with your new classmates yet.

a)made b) done

5.Hot weather makes me … feel sick.

  • - b) to

6.Don't make me … laugh.

a)to b) -

  1. I want you … have lunch with us.

a)- b) to

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