Загадки на английском языке Города (5 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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This town is a capital of Russia. This town is very beautiful. There are many museums and good places. Now our president lives in this town. The centre of town is Red Square. How do you think what city is this?


This town is very big. There are a lot of tall buildings and shops. This city is in America. This town is the largest city in the USA. There are many interesting places: the United Nations Building, Columbia University, City Hall and others. How do you think what city is this?

(New York)

This town is a capital of Great Britain. It is the largest town in Europe and one of the oldest towns in the world. There are many interesting old churches, museums and shops. There is Big Ben. It is a big clock! It is the biggest clock bell in Britain. How do you think what city is this?


This town is a capital of France. There are many interesting places: museums, shops and cafes. This town is very romantic and beautiful. In my picture you can see symbol of this town - Eiffel Tower. How do you think what city is this?


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