Разработки - открытый урок и неделя языков

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Презентации
Формат docx
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Intellectual games

Aim: 1.Enrichment the childrens speech practice using new lexicons and describing a sequence of events.

2.Development of their speech using the intellectual games.

3.To bring the children up to get more information and facts from the history of the world languages and the lexical speech,to be more friendly,to develop their friendship between the country and to be more active going in for games.

Visual aids: interactive blackboard,flags,cards,music(disk)and slids.

The procedure of the game

Teacher: Good afternoon dear childrens,guests and teachers!Welcome to our intellectual games!

The theme of our game"World languages''.Languages in our life takes a great role.Today's game will be held in a form of competition.For that we need to divide our class into four teams.I'll give to marking papers to each team ,leaders you mark by plus or mines each answer.

Leading :Good afternoon,students,teachers and guests!Welcome to our intellectual games"World languages!" We are glad too see you and we hope that you'll enjoy today's game.I remind you the rules of the games.The game has six rounds.

  1. Presentation

  2. Lexicology words

  3. Who is clever?

  4. Poliglot

  5. Who is the fastest?

  6. Baiga

Dear players,are you ready?Let's start our game

1Presentation.Now you are to introduce us yourself.

2Lexicology words 1 The outside is a shell,

The inside is meat.

It grows in a tree,

And is good to eat( a nut,жаңғақ,орех)

2.What is bread before it is put into the oven?(dough,қамыр,тесто)

3.They do not eat me alone,but cannot eat without me.What am I?(salt,тұз,соль)

4.Clean,but not water,

Sticky,but not tar.

White,but not snow,

Sweet,but not honey. What is it?(milk,сүт,молоко)

5.It is silver outside and golden inside.(an egg,жұмыртқа,яйцо)

6.I'm a little country lad in a fine red coat,you see.When they meet me,folk are glad.And always bow low to me!(a strawberry,құлпынай,клубника)

7.What is that everybody has seen,

But can never see again?(yesterday,кешегі күн,вчера)

8.Which month of the year is the shortest?(February,Ақпан,Февраль)

9.A little old woman with twelve children:some short,some long,some cold,some hot.What is it?(a year,жыл,год)

10.What can you see with your eyes shut?(dream,түс,сон)

Leading:Our next round 3''Who is clever?''I put you some questions,you are answer it.OK!1.What is the national sport in America?(baseball)

2.What is the British money?(pound sterling)

3.What is a double-decker?(a bus)

4.How many states are there in the USA?(50)

5.What is the official language of the UK?(English)

6.What is the capital of England?(London)

7.What is the most popular sport in England?(Rugby)

8.What is the capital of Scotland?(Edinburg)

9.The oldest British universities are situated in:( Oxford)

10.What is Heathrow?( an airport)

4.Poliglot.Eash players answers 8 riddles about weather in three languages.

1. I have a little sister,Her name is Pretty Peep

She wades in the waters Deep,deep,deep

She climbs up the mountains High,high,high

My poor little sister,She has but one eyes!(a star,жұлдыз,звезда)

2.It flows,but cannot flow out,

It runs,but cannot run out.(a river,өзен,река)

3.It is white,it is cold.You can skate on it.What is it?( ice,мұз,лед)

4.It is so weak that a little wind can move it

It is very old and still it shines

Just four weeks old,and never will be five (The moon,ай,луна)

5.Two sisters fair and bright

Always running,never meet.

  1. Water frowns at it

Trees shake their heads at it

Flowers bow to it

Clouds run away from it.(the wind,жел,ветер)

  1. Nobody saw it,but everybody heard it.(the echo,жаңғырық,эхо)

  2. What falls on the water and never gets wet?(a shadow,көлеңке,

Leading: Our next round 5."Who is the fastest?"

Make as many new words out of this words;" Development"

D- E- V- E- L- O- P- M- E- N- T-

Leading: Now we begin our last stage" Baiga"

There are antonyms.You will given the sheets of paper with adjectives and nouns.Find the antonyms


Leading: Our game finishes.Dear children,thank you very much for you participation.You all worked hard.Dear guests,thank you for your visit to our game.We will give you some teams marks.

1 team- (6 class)- Active class,2 team-(5 class)-The friendly class,3 team-(7 class)-The thinking class,4 team-(9class)-The fastest class.

The end

Grade; 9A Lesson №18

Theme; The Dastarkhan of the steppes

Aim; 1.Represented and explained a number of facts and concepts regarding Kazakh national culture formed during centuries in respect of cooking and foods significance possible.

2.In this lesson dishes with different names in different places has been described and long ago forgotten national dishes as well.

3.In short in Kazakh people's life and work traditions and culture bread and salt were and are the proof of national generosity , kindness and hospitality.

Visual aids; slide's, interactive blackboard, cards, posters,markers,proverbs and legends,such notions as bans,etc.


1.Org.moment; Good morning,dear teachers and childrens!Welcome to our lesson theam of " The Dastarkhan of the steppes".

Kazakh nation was always famous for its hospitality and originality of its national cusine.Peoples soul history,traditions and customs lie within Kazakh national cusine.Since ancient times Kazakh folklore had proverbs and sayings related to this topic and having the deep meaning:''Don't be higher than food'',''Millet and wheat are food,gold and silver are stones'',''Theat your food with care,otherwise you may lose your health''.

Slide 1( Millet and wheat are food gold and silver are stones),

2.The hospitality has been a distinctive feature of Kazakhs since ancient times.The dear guest was invited to the dastarkhan,seated at the honorary place and served the best food in the house. A tired indigent person was given a horse and food.

Slide 2(National culture)

3.Treating guests to delicious food played its great role in national culture.It had economic,diplomatic and pedagogical meaning.Receving guests,Kazakhs never sorted them out according to their categories,nationalities or religious views,but sincerely,showed their amiability to everybody.

Slide 3 (Improvised) Birzhan sal and girl

4.Kazakh people has such nations(ugymdar),as;bans(tyiymdar),legends(anyzdar),stories(angime),fairy-tales(ertegiler),proverbs and sayings(makal-matelder).People say;"Don't miss the morning meal,as for the evening one-don't look forward to it"( Таңғы асты тастама,кешкі асты бақпа )

Slide 4( Classification foods)

5.Kazakhs classify food into three kinds;ak(white)-dairy produce,kyzyl(red)-meat and kok(green)-garden-stuff.

Giving the highest rate to bread,they refer it to none of these kinds. Even bread crumbs Kazakhs don't throw out,but give them to children,saying;"The person eating bread crumbs will make rich"(Нан қоқымын жеген адам бай болады )

6.Poster;Classification Kazakhs national foods.

Slide 5 "The dog is one of the seven treasures"(Ит-жеті қазынаның бірі )

Summary slide 6 Picture the Koran and bread

A person making his vow held Koran in his hands and ate bread .Here,Koran is a word of God(kudai sozi),and bread i s sacred food(kasietti as).

7.Giving marks;

8. Giving home work; write the essay.

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