Тесты по английскому языкуВидовременные формы глагола (8 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Видовременные формы Past

1 вариант

Выберите правильную форму глагола

1. He ___ a pupil twenty years ago.

a)is b)was c) were d)will be

2. When I came home, mother already ______ dinner.

a)was cooking b)am cooking c) had cooked d)will be cooking

3. At eight o'clock yesterday I ____ the piano.

a)had been playing b) was playing c) play d) played

4. By six o'clock father ____ home.

a) had come b) were coming c) is coming d) came

5. He _____ a letter for hours when I came.

a) had written b) wrote c) writes d) had been writing

6. What___ you ____ at three yesterday?

a) had done b) was doing c) were doing d) had been doing

7. Nina ____ her birthday last week.

a) celebrated b) will celebrate c) celebrates d) had celebrated

8. When I ____ in, somebody _____the drum.

a) come, was playing b) came, was playing c) came, had played

d) had come, had been playing

9. We _____ for two hours and a half

a) had skated b) were skating c) skated d) had been skating

10. Yesterday I____ the book which I had lost n summer.

a) find b) found c) finds d) had found

2 вариант

Выберите правильную форму глагола

1. They _____ a difficult text the day before yesterday.

a) translate b) translates c) translated d) were translating

2. He ____ his bike the whole day yesterday.

a) is repairing b) repaired c) was repairing d) were repairing

3. The boy gave the goats the grass which he ____ from the field.

a) had brought b) brings c) bring d) brought.

4. When father came home we ____ the mushrooms.

a) cooking b) are cooking c) was cooking d) were cooking

5. last night we ____ to a football match.

a) go b) gone c) went d) had been going

6. He _____ a letter for hours when I came.

a) wrote b) had been writing c) writes d) write

7. She _____ the dishes from five till six.

a) had been washing b) had washing c) washed d) will wash

8. Little brother ____ when my mother ____ into the room.

a) was sleeping, came b) is sleeping, comes c) will be sleeping, comes

d) had been sleeping, came

9. I ____ to my friend yesterday.

a) speak b) speaks c) spoke d) will speak

10. What___ you ____ at three yesterday?

a) were doing b) had done c) had been doing d) was doing

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