Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much. .. ?

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 2 класс
Тип Презентации
Формат docx
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Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?Учитель английского языка Мамутова Гаухар Жанбырбаевна

урок в 2 классе по теме "Numbers 10-100".

Тема: "Numbers 10-100".


1.Образовательная: углубить знания учащихся о числительных в английском языке.

- Практическая: выучить и научиться использовать количественные числительные от 10 до 100 в устной и письменной речи.

2.Развивающая: развивать навыки письма, говорения, аудирования; развивать языковую догадку и речевую реакцию.

3.Воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к английскому языку.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал : карточки, постер, плакаты, лист оценивание, физминутка, телевизор,

Форма урока: коллективная, индивидуальная.

Тип урока: комбинированный (изложение нового и закрепление изученного материала).


I. Оrganization moment:

Психологический настрой:

- ученики встанут в круг (держат за руки)

- каждый говорит по одному пожеланию на сегодняшний день

1) Приветствие.(Greeting)

T- Good morning children!

Ch-Good morning teacher!

T- How are you today?

Ch- I'm OK!

T- sit down please!

T- Open your book and copy - book!

- What day is it today?

-Tthe 28th of April

- Write the date and day.

II. Checking up:

1) Проверка домашнего задания.

- What is your hometask for today?

-Are you ready?

Would you like …? Хотел бы ты ...?

  • Yes please

  • No, thank you

Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?

Would you like an apple? Yes please

Would you like some water? No, thank you

Would you like some soup? Yes, please

Would you like some juice? Yes, please

Would you like some salad? Yes, please

Would you like a pizza? No, thank you

Would you like some milk? No, thank you

Would you like a chocolade? Yes, please

III. conclusion of home task:


  • Work with cards

  • Match the sentence (for ex: I like … banana, apple, ice -cream)

2) Повторение числительных от 1 до 20 , от10 до 20

Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?

eleven - [ ı'Ievn ] - одинадцать

twelve - [ twelve ] - двенадцать

thirteen - ['Ѳә:ti:n] - тринадцать

teacher: repeat after me!

fourteen - [ fο:'ti:n ] - четырнадцать

fifteen - [ 'fіf'ti:n ] - пятнадцать

sixteen - [ 'siks'ti:n ] - шестнадцать

seventeen - [ 'sevn'ti:n ] - семнадцать

eighteen - [ 'ei'ti:n ] - восемнадцать

nineteen - [ 'naın'ti:n ] девятнадцать

twenty - [ twentı] - двадцать

IY. The main part of the lesson

The theme: Numbers

T: The English grammar!

Look at the blackboard, please.

What can you see?

What is the topic of our lesson?

P: Numbers?

T: Let's see! Yes, right. It's numbers from 11 to 20. Today, we shall do some reading and speaking. You will learn the numbers and read the text.

Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?

Ex:1 Listen and read

10 - ten

20 - twenty


40- forty

50- fifty + ty

60- sixty

70- seventy

80- eighty

90- ninety

100- one hundred

Work with poster: ex:2 Count and write the answers as in the example:

Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?

3) Физкультминутка. ( песня "If you happy!»)

T: Well done! You sing and dance very well. Sit down, please.

Work with text: (работа в группе)

In the Zoo

Hello! My name is Kate. I am eleven.

Yesterday I was at the zoo.

There are many animals in the zoo - elephants, lions, tigers and others.

I like monkeys very much. There are six big monkeys and fourteen little monkeys in the cage.

There are many birds too - twenty parrots and fifteen ducks.

There is one crocodile in the zoo!

I like animals. It was a fantastic day!

Phonetical drill

1 1 1: little dogs run,
2 2 2: cats see you,
3 3 3: birds in a tree,
4 4 4: rats on the floor.

5 5 5: planets in the sky,
6 6 6: two short sticks,
7 7 7: here is a raven.

c) 8 8 8: a hen at the gate,
9 9 9|: the apple is very fine.
10 10 10: catch me, if you can.

T: And now children let's repeat English numbers from 1 to 10. Look at the screen. You can see a poem on it. Repeat this poem after me.

One is a number,
Two is a number,
Three is a number,
Number five is before six,
And number seven is more!
Eight is a number,
Nine is a number,
Now we come to ten…
And we are back at one again!

And first let's practice some English sounds. Repeat these sounds after me.

  • [ w ] - what, why, when, where, one

  • [ Ѳ ] - think, three, thirteen

  • [ ð ] - the, they, that, then

  • [ i: ] - meat, eat, eighteen

  • [ ı ] - six, sixteen, fifteen

  • [ aı] - five, nine, nineteen

  • [ e ] - ten, twelve, seven, seventeen

T: And now read the words with this sounds all together


How much is the bread?

It's 70 tenge

How much is the butter?

It's 100 tenge

How much is this?

Реши пример, запиши ответ словом на английском языке.

Например: Nine + ten = nineteen

One + eleven = __________

Five + seven = __________

Six + ten = __________

Six - four = __________

Nineteen - seven = __________

Twenty - four = __________

Y. Итоги урока. Рефлексия.

T: That's all for today. Thank you, pupils. Today you have learnt the numbers from 11 to 20 and 20 to 100 learnt to use them. According to the results of your work you get the following marks.

On your desks you've got three circles: yellow, green and red. Now tell me please, how do you like today's lesson? Look at the blackboard:

Презентация по английскому языку на тему “Numbers 10-100“/How much...?

YI. Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок.

T: Thank you very much for your work in the lesson. You've worked hard today and I put you only good and excellent marks for today. You are so active and it's great.

T: Write down your homework:

Workbook: unit 8 Ex. 1,3 p:68-69

YII. Выставление оценок.


Time to finish now.
Stop our work and fun.
See you on Thursday,
Goodbye, everyone.

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