Разработка урока английского языка по пробному учебнику для 12-летних школ, 8 класс

В СШ № 16 имени Т.Айбергенова с 2004 года открыта экспериментальная площадка - апробация новых учебников и внедрение модели 12-летнего школьного образования. Данный урок английского языка спланирован на основе материала учебника «English-8» с привлечением дополнительного материала, с использованием ИКТ и элементов проектной технологии. Урок оснащен тематической разминкой- ее можно провести как фронтально, так и в виде парной и групповой работы, кроме того, имеется приложение в виде тематическог...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Презентации
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Theme: Phrasal verb TAKE (Revision)

(Inventions, space)

Form: 8A № 39-40


1. To teach the pupils to use new vocabulary under study

2. To develop listening skills to specific information

3. To develop reading skills for specific information

4. To develop the pupil's memory and attention

5. To enrich the pupil's scope.

Methods and technologies: elements of the collaboration, project technology

Technical and visual aids-computer for showing presentation, cards with exercises, textbooks


Take after

Take down

Take away

Take off

Take up






Выглядеть похожим

записать что-либо

Забрать, удалить

Снять, взлетать

Заниматься ч-л, начать новое ч-л






Grammar: Phrasal verb TAKE

WILL or BE GOING TO, SOME|ANY|NO, Word Order (revising)

Lesson plan



Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. How are you?

T.-What date is it today? St.-……………..

T.-What day is it today? St.-……………

T.-Who is absent today? St.-……………….

Checking up the home task: What was your home task? (Presentations - "Inventions")


Warming up


  1. An object in space like a bright ball with a long tail. (Comet)

  2. A large ball of burning gas in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky. (Star)

  3. A very large round object in space, that moves around the sun or another star. (Planet)

  4. Someone who studies astronomy or astrology. (Stargazer)

  5. A piece of equipment shaped like a tube, used for making distant objects look larger. (Telescope)

  6. A round object that you can see shining in the sky at night, and that moves around the Earth in 28 days. (Moon


Practice grammar and reading

Phrasal verb TAKE

1 Take off - взлететь, снимать

I love looking out of the window when my plane is taking off. -

Я люблю смотреть в иллюминатор, когда мой самолет взлетает.
2 - Take up something - начать заниматься чем-то новым.

Last month I took up tennis. I love it! - В прошлом месяце я занялся теннисом. Отличная вещь!

3 - Take after somebody - быть похожим (на кого-то из родственников по характеру, не внешне).

Vova takes after his father. They both love music and neighbours. - Вова очень похож на отца. Они оба любят музыку и соседей.
№4 - Take down - убирать, забирать, отбирать; вычитать, отнимать

Take 10 away from 100. - Вычти десять из ста.
№ 5 - Take down - снимать (откуда-то), снять (одежду), сносить, записывать, разобрать (машину), сбить спесь (с кого-либо); снизить (цену), уничтожить

Did you take down his speech? - Ты записал его речь?
№ 6 - Take on- брать, взять на себя; нанимать (брать на работу); приобретать; волноваться; сразиться с кем-то
The word took on a new meaning. - Слово приобрело новое значение.

Consolidation : Ex. 4 p. 100

ADDITIONAL TEST 1) off 2) up 3) on 4) after 5) up 6) off 7) up 8) in




Word Order

TEST YOURSELF p. 103 20 questions


Practice speaking

Ex. 5 p. 101

Read and translate the following quotations about future. Which one do you like best?

Practice reading

Read the poem :My future"




Ex. p. 7-9 p.101-02

Project "Think of the future"

(find the quotation or proverb about the future and illustrate it by any way you like)

Revision grammar

1. The plane took ________ ( = departed) at 7:00 AM.
on off in
2. He took ________ ( = started) smoking after his accident.
on up away
3. They will have to take ________ ( = compete against) another opponent.
on up after
4. He really takes ________ his father. = He is really similar to his father.
after on up
5. I'll take it ________ with the boss. = I will speak to the boss about it.
about on up
6. I have to take ________. ( = leave)
off over on
7. I'll take you ________ on your offer. = I'll accept your offer.
out up over
8. We took ________ ( = adopted, brought home) several kittens while we were living in Mexico.
on away in

1. The plane took ________ ( = departed) at 7:00 AM.
on off in
2. He took ________ ( = started) smoking after his accident.
on up away
3. They will have to take ________ ( = compete against) another opponent.
on up after
4. He really takes ________ his father. = He is really similar to his father.
after on up
5. I'll take it ________ with the boss. = I will speak to the boss about it.
about on up
6. I have to take ________. ( = leave)
off over on
7. I'll take you ________ on your offer. = I'll accept your offer.
out up over
8. We took ________ ( = adopted, brought home) several kittens while we were living in Mexico.
on away in

1. The plane took ________ ( = departed) at 7:00 AM.
on off in
2. He took ________ ( = started) smoking after his accident.
on up away
3. They will have to take ________ ( = compete against) another opponent.
on up after
4. He really takes ________ his father. = He is really similar to his father.
after on up
5. I'll take it ________ with the boss. = I will speak to the boss about it.
about on up
6. I have to take ________. ( = leave)
off over on
7. I'll take you ________ on your offer. = I'll accept your offer.
out up over
8. We took ________ ( = adopted, brought home) several kittens while we were living in Mexico.
on away in

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