Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку, 7 класс, III четверть, Афанасьева

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

1. Make up questions using these words.

1) book, shall, I, you, for, buy, what?

2) we, when, go, shall, cinema, the, to?

3) I, coat, may, on, your, put?

1. Make up questions using these words.

1) did, beach, you, on, do, the, what?

2) husband, can, her, a, driver, car?

3) we, when, go, shall, cinema, the, to?

2. Choose the right form and complete the sentences

1) Mary says she has (some/any) very good friends.

2) Are there (some/any) high towers in your town?

3) (Someone/anyone) rang you up in the morning.

2. Choose the right form and complete the sentences

1) I can't see (nobody/anybody) in the street.

2) (Someone/anyone) rang you up in the morning.

3) He never takes (some/any) cake with tea.

3. Match the questions with their answers.

1) Do you want to buy any plums? A) I think so. Let's take our umbrellas with us.

2) Are there any cabbages at home? B) Tomorrow, I think.

3) Is it raining heavily? C) I think, we shall stay at home.

4) What shall we do if it rains? D) No, I don't. My son doesn't like them.

5) What shall we read we read? E) I don't know. Let's buy some.

6) When will you come back? F) I don't know. There are different books here.

3. Match the questions with their answers.

1) Do you want to buy any plums? A) I think so. Let's take our umbrellas with us.

2) Are there any cabbages at home? B) Tomorrow, I think.

3) Is it raining heavily? C) I think, we shall stay at home.

4) What shall we do if it rains? D) No, I don't. My son doesn't like them.

5) What shall we read we read? E) I don't know. Let's buy some.

6) When will you come back? F) I don't know. There are different books here.

4. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. (придаточные предложения времени и условия)

1).If the weather (be) fine, I (sunbathe) on the beach.

2) We (do) it when John (come).

3) I (buy) you a big juicy apple if there (be) some in the shop.

4) You (learn) French when you (go) to school.

5) When Mary (ring) me up, I (talk) to him.

4. Use the right forms of the verb to complete the sentences.

1. If the weather (be) fine, I (sun bathe) on the beach.

2. I (buy) you a big juicy apple if there (be) some in the shop.

3. If Ann (spend) the summer at the seaside we see her there.

4. If there (be) wet we (make) a snowman.

5. If it (rain), we (stay ) at home .

5. Use the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1 I don't know if I (be) in Glasgow next week

2 Jack doesn't know if cousin (change ) his plans for the summer.

3 We don't know when Polly ( go ) to university.

4 Jane (paint) the wall if you (ask) her about it

5. Use the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1 He (help) you when he (be, not) busy. I don't know if Mike (stay) with us or not.

2 She ( go ) for a walk after school.

3 We (meet) after the classes are over.

4 They (sleep) at the hotel until mom comes.

6. What is the temperature?

+13, -64, 0

6. What is the temperature?

+38, 0, -52

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