Урок по английскому языку на тему ECOLOGY (11 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему " ECOLOGY " (11 класс)Урок включает в себя задания по активизации лексического материала по данной теме, текст для прочтения с последующими заданиями по тексту, предполагает собственные высказывания учащихся.Предложенные задания: 1 Найти английские эквиваленты для заданных словосочетаний.2 Вставить пропущенные слова в предложения.3 Подобрать синонимы к словам.4 Ответить на вопросы.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Урок по английскому языку для 11 класса " ECOLOGY ".

  1. Read & translate the following international words without using a dictionary.

Problem, basin, globe, planet, to generate, million, ecological, balance, Italian, Polish, public, expedition, industry, hectare.

  1. Remember the following words.

Deforestation - вырубка леса

Explorer - исследователь; геологоразведчик

Extraction - происхождение

Issue - проблема

Rainforests - тропические леса

Pipe - труба; трубопровод

To leak - давать течь

Drilling rigs - буровые вышки


Jacek Palkiewicz knows who's been making holes in the Earth's green lungs & why

By Ksenia Veretennikova

Vremya MN

Beside the enormity of deforestation in the Amazon basin, most other problems pale into insignificance, for those forests at the other end of the globe are the lungs of this planet of ours. They generate nearly half of the oxygen we breathe.

For millions of years the jungle remained intact & the Earth's ecological balance stable. But over the last 50 years man has been doing a lot of damage there. The area has been pushed to the brink of destruction & with it the rest of the planet.

Jacek Palkiewicz, the famous Italian explorer of Polish extraction has been trying to alert the public to the issue. He returned from his last trip three weeks ago. What did the expedition discover? Alas, nothing very encouraging. The Amazon rainforests are still being felled illegally & rapaciously.

Especially harmful is the oil industry. Pipes leak unmercifully & oil seeps into the river & the soil. In order to build drilling rigs in the area, 100.000 hectares of forest have been destroyed over the last 20 years.

Give English equivalents for the following.

Бассейн реки Амазонки, тускнеть (меркнуть) в своей незначительности (маловажности), на другой стороне земного шара, наша планета, производить (вырабатывать) кислород, оставаться нетронутым и стабильным, экологический баланс, причинять вред (наносить ущерб), подталкивать к гибели, остальная часть, поляк по происхождению, привлечь общественность к проблеме, ничего утешительного, увы, вырубать незаконно и безжалостно, особенно вредный, нефтяная промышленность, просачиваться (попадать) в реки и почву, для того чтобы.

  1. Insert the missing words given in brackets.

(to leak unmercifully, drilling rigs, rainforests, to generate oxygen, at the other end of the globe)

  1. These forests … are the lungs of this planet of ours.

  2. They … we breathe.

  3. The Amazon … are still being felled illegally & rapaciously.

  4. In order to build … in the area, 100.000 hectares of forest have been destroyed.

  5. Pipes … & oil seeps into the river & the soil.

  1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Beside the enormity of deforestation in the Amazon basin, …

  2. For millions of years the jungle remained …

  3. But over the last 50 years man has been doing …

  4. The area has been pushed to …

  5. Jacek Palkiewicz, the famous Italian explorer of Polish extraction, has been trying …

  1. Agree or disagree to the following.

  1. The problem of the Amazon basin is not significant.

  2. Amazon forests generate nearly half of the oxygen we breathe.

  3. The jungle was destroyed millions of years ago.

  4. Over the last 50 years man has been doing a lot of damage there.

  5. Jacek Palkiewicz is a famous Italian explorer of German extraction.

  6. He returned from his last trip 2 months ago.

  7. The results of the expedition are not very encouraging.

  8. The Amazon rainforests are still being felled illegally & rapaciously.

  9. The oil industry is not harmful at all.

  10. Oil pipes don't leak.

  1. Find synonyms.

  1. to deforest, significance, forest, planet, to generate, damage, issue, to destroy.

  2. To distruct, harm, problem, to produce, wood, globe, importance, to cut down.

  1. Do you know what trees grow in our country?

Oak, ash, lime, pine, larch, birch, maple, fur-tree, silver fir, aspen, horn beam, willow, horse chestnut.

  1. Answer the questions.

    1. Why is the Amazon deforestation significant for us?

    2. How many percent of oxygen do they (Amazon forests) generate?

    3. Why was the Earth's ecological balance stable for millions of years?

    4. What is Jacek Palkiewicz?

    5. What are the results of the expedition?

    6. What industry is especially harmful?

    7. Why does oil seep into the water & the soil?

    8. How many hectares of forest have been destroyed over the last 20 years?

  1. Express your own opinion on the topic discussed.

Do we need to cut down forests?



1. A lot of things are made of wood: magazines, newspapers, rulers, doors & even houses. We can't stop producing them.

1. It's dangerous. Trees generate oxygen & we can't live without it.

2. Wood is an important source of energy. Some people still warm their houses with firewood.

2. We cut down valuable species of trees. So soon they'll disappear.

3. While on a hike, we can't manage without making a fire. So firewood is necessary.

3. This way we deprive animals of their home. They perish.


1. Furniture can be made of some artificial material.

2. Instead of old trees new ones should be planted.

3. Making a fire we should use only dry branches or dead wood.

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