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  • Иностранные языки
  • Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему Артикль the c названиями географических объектов и с названиями национальностей (7 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему Артикль the c названиями географических объектов и с названиями национальностей (7 класс)

Согласно модели коммуникативной компетенции,цель обучения грамматике - обучить языку, где грамматика является его неотъемлемой частью. Контрольная работа направлена на закрепление грамматических навыков по теме: "Определенный артикль с географическими объектами. Многим изучающим английский язык иногда приходится отвечать на вопросы о странах, столицах, национальностях и языках. Причин для этих вопросов может быть огромное множество: будь то географическое положение некоторых стран или обычная по...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа за 2 четверть 7 класс.

1 вариант

I. Put the if needed. Copy the words.

1. … Russian Federation.

2. … Mexico.

3. … Moscow.

4. … UK.

5. … Pacific Ocean.

II. Read the sentences and choose the country:

a) Great Britain

b) The USA

c) Australia

d) New Zealand

e) Canada

1. One of official languages is Maori.

2. Its capital is Canberra.

3. There is no official language.

4. The second official language is French.

5. It is sometimes called "The world's biggest farm".

6. It is situated between Canada and Mexico

7. English spoken in this country is called Kiwi English

8. There is a Queen there.

9. You can find unique animals there such as kangaroos.

10. One of its famous sights is Tower of London.

III. Put the verb into Present, Past or Future Simple Passive:

1. America … … in the 15- th century.( to discover)

2. More than 800 poems … … by Pushkin ( to write)

3. A lot of popular songs … … in English ( to sing)

4. Australia … … «Lucky Country» (to call)

5. Books of English and American writers … … in Russia( to read)

6. The telegram … … two days ago. ( to send)

7. Christmas … … in the most countries.( to celebrate)

8. I … … one last chance by my parents.( to give)

IV. Write names of the countries where these languages are spoken: Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Greek.

V. What English-speaking countries would you like to visit? Write 7 sentences about it.

Контрольная работа за 2 четверть 7 класс.

2 вариант

I. Put the if needed. Copy the words.

1. … Egypt

2. … United States of America

3. … Brazil

4. … Atlantic Ocean

5. … Netherlands

II. Read the questions and choose the country:

a) Australia

b) Great Britain

c) Canada

d) New Zealand

e) The USA

1. One of official languages is Maori.

2. Its capital is Canberra.

3. There is no official language.

4. The second official language is French.

5. It is sometimes called "The world's biggest farm".

6. It is situated between Canada and Mexico

7. English spoken in this country is called Kiwi English

8. There is a Queen there.

9. You can find unique animals there such as kangaroos.

10. One of its famous sights is Tower of London.

III. Put the verb into Present, Past or Future Simple Passive:

  1. Russian … … by many millions of people. (to speak)

  2. English and German… … in lots of school. (to teach)

  3. Our new book … … … next year. (to publish)

  4. The letters … … a week ago. (to send)

  5. We …… to a party yesterday. (to invite)

  6. The poem …… by Pushkin. (to write)

  7. The window … … by my Dad. (to open)

  8. New year … … in many countries (to celebrate)

IV. Write names of the countries where these languages are spoken: German, Japanese, French, English, Armenian

V. What English-speaking countries would you like to visit? Write 7 sentences about it.

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